
Story Stream

Celebrating Huge Wins for Women in Race to Preserve Title IX June 24, 2024

With the Paris Summer Olympics a month away, all eyes are turning to our nation’s elite athletes. After a lifetime of training—spending countless hours alone on a track shave off fractions of a second—our athletes are out to prove they’re the best in...

Charlie Baker Can Save Women’s Sports February 06, 2023

The NCAA’s new president can keep what happened to me from happening again....

Females Should Compete on the Basis of Sex, Not Gender February 02, 2023

I'll be forever proud of my accomplishments. Yet the category of women's sports is now facing an erosion due to discriminatory policies that allow men who identify as women to compete....

Baker at the Barricades December 22, 2022

Outgoing Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker takes the helm at the NCAA just in time for the college athletes’ revolution....

College Football's Twilight September 06, 2022

On Thursday night, 69,000 people watched the Pittsburgh Panthers defeat the West Virginia Mountaineers in a hard-fought football game. The 38–31 contest was a throwback to another era, and not just in style of play. The “Backyard Brawl” always has an...

Media Conglomerates Marketing The Gender Identity Industry March 22, 2022

The propaganda, that there is a subset of humanity that is not male or female, or who believe that they are something other than male or female and should be accommodated everywhere in society for this belief, has been like a distant media drumbeat i...

Staying in Their Lane February 01, 2022

University of Pennsylvania swimmer Lia Thomas has spent the last few months shattering school and Ivy League records for women’s swimming. These accomplishments have made news because Thomas is transgender and as recently as 2019 competed as a man. I...

NCAA's Supreme Court Defeat Is Bad for Sports Fans — and Some Athletes June 30, 2021

On June 21st, in NCAA v. Alston, the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously upheld a lower court’s decision that National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) rules limiting the education-related benefits that schools may make available to student athletes...

Policy of Unpaid College Athletes Seems Immune to COVID December 01, 2020

Despite the coronavirus pandemic, college sports have mostly chugged along – albeit with cancellations, postponements and pauses in play.While many college athletes are grateful for the opportunity to compete, the pandemic has laid bare just how few ...

Political Football September 28, 2020

With Covid-19 not yet beaten, many college sports stadiums and arenas will be dark this fall and winter. College athletes will have a year of eligibility taken from them. The loss of the games will also leave a hole in the psyches of millions of Amer...

Will NCAA Change on Paid Athletes Make a Difference? November 01, 2019

Will this measure bring new opportunities for student athletes?I think that remains to be seen. For the few college superstars in football and mens' basketball, there will potentially be more marketing opportunities at the large-scale level, such as ...